Cracklord's Public Blockchain Nodes

Cracklord believes that everyone should have free access to a full node for basic information about a blockchain. It's also extremely important that as many people run a full node as possible, as the full node contains a copy of the entire blockchain and a historical record of everything that has happened on it. This works almost as a backup of the blockchain, ensuring that everyone can compare and verify that their node matches everyone else's. The more full nodes being run the better.

Below, you will find various nodes that are being run on the Cracklord network and provide REST APIs as well as RPC access to the public.

If you have any problems with any of our nodes, contact us at

  1. Limitations
  2. Blockchain Nodes
    1. Cosmos (ATOM)


Our open APIs are provided to the public free of charge. To prevent abuse, we have rate limited these APIs per IP address. The maximum number of requests per minute for all of our REST APIs is 100. That means you can make 100 requests per minute on 1 IP address before you will start being rate limited.

This limit is in place to make the system fair, free and fast for everyone.

Blockchain Nodes

Below you will find a list of blockchains we provide nodes for and some information about them.

Cosmos (ATOM)

Cosmos has coined itself the internet of blockchains. It is a proof-of-stake blockchain, meaning that holders can stake their ATOMs in order to be secure the network. They generally do this by delegating their stake to a validator node. ATOM holders can also vote on the general direction and rules of the blockchain. They get to decide the future of Cosmos with their votes.

The key features of Cosmos are:

  • Interoperability with other blockchains.
  • Speed and efficiency in transactions. PoS means that the energy efficiency of the blockchain is far higher than that of a PoW blockchain like Bitcoin.
  • Ease of development for developers to add applications to the network with a rich SDK that is implemented in various different popular programming languages.

Our Cosmos Node

You can test the REST API by checking out one of the endpoints: You can find documentation on the various endpoints available through the REST API on the official Cosmos website. Documentation on the RPC API can be found on the Tendermint website.